day 91

I came down with some mysterious 48-hour bug/virus/disease/plague on Friday and so today, I'm eternally grateful to wonton soup and all of its healing powers.

...oh, and to extra strength tylenol. that helped too I guess.

day 90

oh, King of Prussia Mall, how do I love thee? let me count the ways...

k well I'm not actually going to count the ways, but i just really love this place.
even on black friday.
actually, especially on black friday...

p.s. kudos to my momma for letting me drag her out, sick as a dog, to the second biggest mall in America on the craziest shopping day of the year. what a saint :)

day 89

today I'm thankful for:

... a turkey big enough to feed 33
... cousins, aunts, uncles, siblings, parents, and grandparents (i've got a whole lot of each of those things... both in and out of this picture!)
... old traditions and new traditions
... memories, hugs, and Kleenex
... pumpkin roll
... Christmas music
... disposable plates and silverware & rented glasses (aka no dishes to wash!)
... phone calls to the people you can't be with on Thanksgiving
... being in a room where you can actually feel the love
(too cheesy? deal with it.)

I'm just thankful for Thanksgiving :)

day 88

today i'm thankful for kitchen aid mixers...

...and for the big plans I have to have one in my own kitchen one day.
(a girl's gotta dream right?)

this amazing appliance helped me make 6 (that's right, s-i-x) loaves of friendship bread tonight! I realize the recipe says to use a non-metal mixing bowl, but I made the executive decision that that has more to do with the fact that it comes from the Amish, and less to do with the actual quality of the bread. we'll see what the verdict is tomorrow night at Thanksgiving dinner :)

day 87

Today, I'm thankful for Starbucks for...

... keeping me awake on my 4-hour-supposed-to-be-2-hour drive home
... spreading holiday cheer
... being delicious no matter where I get it - at Stamp, on route 1, or even at the MD House rest stop!

thanks, Starbucks - you're the best!

day 86

Since everyone's gearing up for Thanksgiving, I want to post a picture of something that I'm thankful for every day this week.

(besides all of those obvious things like my family and my friends - they go without saying!)

I was inspired to do this because of a conversation I had with a kindergartner this morning...
here's how it went:

...out of the blue
R: Miss you have a mom?
Miss Levine: Yes! Do you?
R: Yep! Do you have a dad?
L: Yes I do!
R: Do you have a grandfather? Or a brother?
L: I have both!
R: Wow. Do you have a house? And does it have a roof? Because if your roof is broken my dad can fix it.
L: I do have a house! My roof isn't broken, but if it ever breaks maybe I'll ask your dad for help.
R: Okay. Oh, and also do you have a dog?
L: Yes I do!
R: have everything!

Leave it to a kindergartner to simplify things and leave you thinking! If having 4 family members, a dog, and a house with a roof means that I have everything, then I am one lucky duck - especially since I have so much more than that!

So today, I'm thankful for my job at the CYC - for brightening my day and for making me appreciate the little things.

day 85

don't you just want to jump in this pile of fall leaves?!

day 84

On Saturday night the Terps played Florida State University in a "Blackout Game." I dressed in all black, went to a fun tailgate, and had a great night with my friends....and a cousin!

(My cousin Brett came to the game too, and I got to hang out with him for a little while.)

Unfortunately, UMD lost - it was a pretty depressing ending. But it was still a fun night!

day 83

two pictures for today! the first one happened thursday night, but it was technically Friday! We went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part one at midnight! I've gone to almost every midnight release of HP, so I had to keep up the tradition! (I didn't dress up this time though; I left my wizards robes at home)

But then, Friday night, our friends invited me over for an early Thanksgiving dinner! I was so impressed...there was so much food, and it was all delicious! I'm thankful to have such great friends :)

day 82

Leah turned 20 on Thursday! We went to Chevy's to celebrate :)
i love this girl!!

(ps sorry for the phone-quality pic!)

day 81

My Kindergartners are still studying sports, but now they've moved onto baseball. I got to go on a field trip with them on Wednesday to Shipley Field, Maryland's baseball stadium. We got a tour of the field, bullpen, and dug outs, and the kids got to practice throwing baseballs to one of the Maryland pitchers. They're such lucky ducks!

day 80

Today was a rainy, cold Tuesday, but for the first time all semester, I didn't mind! That's because I FINALLY got a pair of rain boots, and was really just waiting for it to rain so that I could wear them!

day 79

this looked a lot cooler in person, but now I realize it didn't turn out so well .... butttttt, I don't have any other picture for today, so this will have to do!

day 78

bad news. knox 210 (well, knox towers in general) has a serious roach problem. we see at least 3 or 4 a day, and that's on a good day.

I can't even imagine how bad the problem is in apartments where no one cleans!

Anyway, on Sunday I decided to show those roaches who's boss. Since I put the traps down, I've only seen one bug! Hopefully that means they're working.

day 77

Maggie, Kelly, Kristen, Ashley, Katlyn, Emily, Me

Tonight Kristen treated us all to a delicious pasta dinner! We had penne a la vodka (her secret recipe!), green beans, and bruschetta. Each of us brought some dessert too.

A delicious dinner with delicious friends!

day 76

On Friday night I went to a surprise party for my friend Jesse! He turned 21 :)
I love when surprise parties actually get pulled off and the surprise isn't ruined!

day 75

At work on Wednesday night, my manager asked me to take the white board from the front of the restaurant with all of the specials on it home and "make it pretty." He told me he'd give me a free meal and let me go to CVS and buy all new white board markers in exchange for the job.

Little did he know that I LOVE whiteboards, have my own collection of markers, and didn't need any incentive to do this, but I wasn't about to turn down a free meal nor the chance to get some new markers.

Anyway, there it is! Aren't you craving some Mexican food now? Come visit me at work!

day 74

wondering about that boring, ugly picture up there? that's my schedule for next semester!

today was my designated registration day for spring semester 2011 (!?!) classes.
also, as an education major, it's my last semester registering for a full load of classes.
next year both of my semesters are already laid out for me with a schedule packed full of student teaching and methods classes.

so here's what my classes look like for next semester:

- Instruction for Creating Skilled and Motivated Readers
- Principles and Methods of Teaching in Elementary Schools
- Educational Psychology
- Honors Seminar
- and two of these 3 classes (depending on which wait lists I get off of!):
- Family Demography
- Creative Writing
- Constitutional History of the United States

day 73

Every Tuesday I sit in this lecture hall for an hour and 15 minutes, and often times wonder why I even bother coming. Most of the things we do in lecture are pretty pointless, and I'm pretty sure that none of it will even end up on the final.

As you can see, some of the other people in my class must have thought the same thing - look at all of the empty seats!

day 72

I'm not sure if this picture adequately shows just how depressing this moment was on Monday night.

I've had my Honors seminar every Monday from 4:15-6:15, and normally it's been light out on our walk home. But this was the first Monday since Daylight Savings Time ended, and it was a real shock to leave the basement of the education building and be greeted by a pitch black evening. I'll admit, the extra hour of sleep was nice, but the extra hours of darkness? Not so much!

day 71

On Sunday I got to drive up to Baltimore to see Jack and Don, because Jack's lacrosse team was playing in a tournament there. (that's him, number 23!)

loove beautiful fall days and getting to see family :)

day 70

this picture is the view from my bed, mainly because that's where i spent the majority of my day saturday.

i woke up at the crack of dawn to go to the CYC (on a Saturday!?) for CPR and first aid certification training. I fell back asleep as soon as I got home and then spent the rest of the night in/around my bed! boring, i know.

day 69

top row: katlyn, sarah
middle: emily, touger,me, ashley, kristen, kelly
bottom: maggie, jill

girl's night in!

this was one of the most fun nights i've had in a while. lots of laughing, bellini's, and dancing (in that order!)

i love these girls!


i'm alive, i'm alive!!

sorry i haven't posted in SO long. i've been snapping pictures everyday, but a combination of being lazy and having an outrageous amount of work this semester has kept me from uploading them. i'll try to be better from here on out!

here comes the updates :)

day 68

10 days ago, I got a great gift from my friend Katlyn! It was a starter set of batter for something called Amish Friendship Bread. It came with a ziplock bag of batter and a directions sheet, which tells you how to let the batter sit for 10 days, adding some ingredients on day 6, and how to bake on day 10!

Today was baking day. The idea behind it is that you multiply your batter by adding certain ingredients, and then you split your batter into 5 parts; 4 parts to put into ziplock bags and give to friends (or keep for yourself to bake again in 10 days!) and one part to add more ingredients to and make into a delicious loaf of bread!

Here's another picture - I wish you could smell how great the kitchen smelled while this thing was baking. mmmm!!

day 67

just another pretty day on campus :) it's FINALLY getting chilly here, but that means the leaves are falling off the trees - I'm hoping that doesn't mean fall is on its way out already.

day 65

I got mail from Spain today! I had mailed Carmen (remember her?!) a thank you note a month or so ago, and I got mail back today! I had a little bit of an easier time translating this one than I did with Rafaela's letter from a few weeks ago.

Along with the letter, she sent a "puzzle postcard" from El Museo del Prado, with a famous painting on one side and a letter from her on the other! So fun to put together and read what she wrote :)

Getting this letter and going through some of my Spain pictures made me realize that I NEED tog get back there...sooner rather than later! I miss it so much!

day 64

the Benjamin Building - aka the Education building - aka where I feel like I live sometimes.

day 63

I had to work on Halloween, but I couldn't let the day go by without dressing up! Some of the other waitresses did too :)

(for the record...everyone who works there is a real character - regardless of the holiday!)

day 62

halloweekend is in full swing :) this is our 2nd round of costumes, a cat, a baker, and an army girl. (for round 1, I was Audrey Hepburn, Christine was a bumblebee, and Emily was a nerd).

day 61

As an assignment for my media literacy class, I went to the Holocaust Museum on Friday. I knew that it was going to be an emotional experience, but I had no idea how intense it would actually be. Sadness aside, it was a really well-done museum, and I'm glad I went.

The picture is of Maggie and Ashley, my companions for the day, in front of the Washington Monument. It was such a beautiful day - I need to spend more time exploring the city!

day 60

Nothing exciting today, just a beautiful fall day :)

day 59

Wednesday was a night full of errands, including the autobody shop, the bank, the grocery store and thee.... HALLOWEEN STORE! It was mayhem - everybody and their brother was crowded up and down every aisle screaming and grabbing costumes off of the walls. We got what we needed to get and got out of there!

day 58

Ahh! I haven't blogged in FOREVER - I've been taking pictures, but have just been too busy/lazy to upload any. Is that breaking the rules on this project? Oh well.

Here's the beautiful fall day I walked out to after work on Tuesday!