I don't think that I ever posted about this book/journal that I got for christmas, but I loooove it so much and figured I'd share it today because of the question it had! The way it works is there is a question for every day of the year...things ranging from the random ("On a scale of 1 to 10, how was your lunch today?") to the deep ("What makes you you?") to the cute ("Who did you kiss today?" is the question on February 14th!). What makes the journal so cool though is that there are 5 spaces to answer each question, with the idea being that you go back and fill out the questions year after year, seeing how your answers evolve as you grow older. I'm such a sucker for things like this and love filling it out each night.
I picked today to share it because the question was so fitting! In case you can't read it, the question is, "where do you feel the most at home?" My answer? "at home! on the 3rd chair at my kitchen counter." Pretty appropriate after being at home for the weekend, right?!
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