day 288

Every good night needs a good morning-after breakfast....this morning's included a trip to the bagel factory with ashley and sam, christine, kevin and ravi :)

day 287

Today was June 11, 2011, better known as MY 21ST BIRTHDAY! I spent the first part of the day at Bobby's 1st birthday party, and the rest of the afternoon and night celebrating with my friends and family at a party that began in my yard and ended at Great American Pub! The whole day was great - I'm so lucky to have such amazing family & friends :) Oh yeah, and being legal is pretty exciting too!

day 286

Today was my last official day as a 20 year old! My friend Kelly took me out at midnight, and we met my other friend Emma at the Great American Pub in's my first legal drink, with my i.d.! (which they didn't even ask me for, by the way....)

day 285

I took a 5 minute detour off of I-95 on my way back to PA to have lunch and catch up with Ashley :) I love Panera, and I love her! (and of course I forgot to get a picture with her, so I had to take a creepy drive-by photo of Panera on my way out!)

day 284

(Sorry for the bad picture, it was dark and I only had the camera on my phone!)

I drove down to College Park today to work a shift at Chevys (which was pointless because I barely made any money). But one interesting part of the day was when I re-entered Knox Towers for the first time in a few weeks and saw these two beautiful new additions to the lobby - vending machines! Not sure if this is a great thing or a terrible thing - only time will tell. (Sorry for the bad picture, it was dark and I only had the camera on my phone!)

day 283

I got babysit these two cuties today, and we walked to the park in my neighborhood. The holes in the playground equipment made the light go funny on their faces, but seriously, how cute are they!?

day 282

I got to babysit Bobby tonight! He turned one on June 2nd - I can't believe it! He's such a big boy now, and so sweet :)

day 281

I went to Manayunk today to stay with my friend Megan and take part in the festivities for the annual Philadelphia bike race that runs up "the wall" in Manayunk (a really, really steep hill that the bikers go up a total of 10 times I think). The bike race is also sort of like a marathon day drinking event for everyone in Manayunk, so we were entertained even when the bikers weren't there :)
Manayunk is the cutest town - I'm officially obsessed with it after spending the night there. I could totally see myself living there at some point in my life!

day 280

My whole family drove up to the poconos today to surprise my Uncle Jimmy for his 60th birthday! It was a great day spent with family.

...and for the record, that's only a fraction of the Callaghan family in this picture. Had everyone been there, you would have needed a wide angle lens to fit everyone in!

day 279

I spent a while today down in my basement going through the bins my mom has kept through all of my school years. I found some really funny pictures, pieces of artwork, and pieces of writing, but here are some of my favorites...

Chapter 11 of my 3rd grade autobiography: "When I grow up I would like to go to college at Penn State University. I would also like to move to Florida and have twin girls!! I would like to be a teacher because I LOVE kids!! I want to marry a guy with a good sense of humor and he's someone you can share secrets with!!"

This was from 4th grade; an assignment to create a TIME Magazine cover from the future featuring ourselves as "Person of the Year." The top says "Time Magazine honors Lauren Levine as teacher of the year 2027." Apparently by the year 2027, I'd already won 5 "Best Teacher of the Year" awards!

day 278

I've had a love/hate relationship with my blackberry for the past few months, and when I figured out that a) I was eligible for an upgrade on my phone and b) the iPhone 3GS was on sale for only $50, the only logical thing to do was go and get one! I'm obsessed with it, although I do miss all of my BBM friends :)

day 277

My life at home this summer consists mainly of stay-at-home-mom-like activities -today that consisted of filling a baby pool and making a cute lunch tray for the little girls I was babysitting

day 276

Christine and I took a mini roadtrip to Atlantic City to meet up with Maggie, Ashley, Katlyn and Julienna for Mag's 21st birthday! Her official birthday isn't until tomorrow, but since Christine and I are still under-21, we just met the ladies for dinner before they hit the town :)

day 275

Nothing says summertime like burgers and dogs on the grill! Happy Memorial Day!

day 274

First full day with my new car, and first road trip in it, too! Caley and I kicked off beach season with a trip down to Ocean City! It was the perfect beach day, we got to have dinner with Mom-Mom and Pop-pop, and got to go to the boardwalk with Christine. Definitely an ideal day :)

day 273

We went back to the Honda dealerships this morning, and after lots of driving, deliberation, and negotiations, Don and I left with this beautiful baby! It's a 2007 Honda CR-V....and it's amazing! I'll miss Ruby (sort of) but am so so happy to be driving something that I know will make it up and down 95 whenever I need it to! I love driving it :)

day 272

Today my mom and I went and test drove Honda CR-V's! Looks like I might not be driving Ruby for much longer...

day 271

Somehow our kitchen became infested with a ton of mosquitoes tonight....but no worries, Jack the Mosquito Hunter was on his A game and killed them all with a swift whack of his soccer sandal. Whew!

day 270

The best part of my day? (aka, the only thing I did today...) Getting a pedicure! Nothing makes me happier than having pretty toes :)

day 269

I took Jack to Handel's today - the best ice cream place around!

day 268

My most loyal blog reader (aka my daddy!) flew in to Philly today to visit :) We went to Mel's for dinner for some yummy Italian food with my older brother David.