day 279

I spent a while today down in my basement going through the bins my mom has kept through all of my school years. I found some really funny pictures, pieces of artwork, and pieces of writing, but here are some of my favorites...

Chapter 11 of my 3rd grade autobiography: "When I grow up I would like to go to college at Penn State University. I would also like to move to Florida and have twin girls!! I would like to be a teacher because I LOVE kids!! I want to marry a guy with a good sense of humor and he's someone you can share secrets with!!"

This was from 4th grade; an assignment to create a TIME Magazine cover from the future featuring ourselves as "Person of the Year." The top says "Time Magazine honors Lauren Levine as teacher of the year 2027." Apparently by the year 2027, I'd already won 5 "Best Teacher of the Year" awards!