No picture for Wednesday, but that was on purpose! For my Journalism class, we were given the challenge to go 24 hours without ANY form of media/technology. No phone, computer, newspaper, ipod, camera - nothing. It was hard - but not as hard as I thought it would be! We had to post on our class blog about our experience during our 24 hours, so I thought I'd paste the last part of my post on here for you to read in lieu of a picture to look at :)
I was so happy to wake up this morning and turn my phone on and reconnect to the world. I was able to complete the challenge with out any major psychological consequences, and I drew two major conclusions from my experience.
1) Obviously, like Michael said, we rely too much on technology. We're overstimulated because there is just SO much information and media being thrust upon us 24/7. I went a day without seeing anyone's status updates or reading a single e-mail and I lived to tell the tale. The fact that I woke up happier and well-rested after not using my computer before bed was just proof that I probably rely on technology a little too much.
2) Given all of that, I think that this challenge was a little unrealistic and drastic. In today's world, it's not feasible to completely cut out every form of media from our day-to-day lives. Though there are some forms of media that we rely on too heavily (i.e. Facebook, texting, etc...) there are others that have significantly improved human communication. It seems silly to assume that we could or should go for any length of time without contacting other people - just because it's possible to last 24 hours doesn't mean we should.
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