Today I was strolling the halls of my second home (aka the Benjamin Building) and saw this posted on the door to my advisor's office. It's an essay contest called, "This I Believe." Basically the instructions are to write an essay that starts out with those words, and then let the spirit move you from there! It does have to do something with diversity, but other than that the possibilities are endless. The winner gets to read their essay at Maryland's "Diversity Day" in April. I'm not sure that I actually want to win the contest (or even submit my essay) but I feel like this would be a really fun essay to write! If I ever get around to it, I'll let ya know :)
PS. This isn't a new idea, these "This I Believe" essays. In fact, there's an entire website devoted to people's "This I Believe" stories, and it's pretty inspirational. Check it out if you get a minute!
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