When it rains, it pours...

...or at least that's been the case here in Maryland this week! The sun is finally shining today, which is a good thing because I think that everything and everyone are thoroughly soaked after these crazy days of rain we've been having!

Sometimes I don't mind when it's raining. Usually those times involve me being cuddled up in my bed watching a movie on the t.v. and the rain out the window.

There are other times that I do mind when it's raining. One of those times is when I'm on an overnight camping field trip with 65 fifth graders in the middle-of-nowhere Maryland. I'll spare you all of the details because a) I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to blog with too much detail about school related things (don't teachers get fired for that stuff?) and b) I don't want to bore you with my rain-soaked, mud-filled, outdoorsy adventure. But here are just a few highlights!

Microwaved s'mores (since we had to nix the campfire)

Getting on the confidence course before the kids took over! (complete with a zipline)

Getting the inside teacher scoop on the inner workings of BHES.

This cute little frog.

I got to try a pancake-on-a-stick for breakfast! It was delish.

Thank God Ashley came with me. I'm not sure I could have handled this alone.
(please excuse this gross picture...)

Now that I'm home, showered, and well-rested, I have a better perspective on the whole thing and can definitely say that we had a good time despite the rain. And more importantly, the kids had a blast! It was like a giant sleepover for them, and two days full of activities that they would never get to do otherwise. Some of them had never even had a s'more before! I couldn't believe it. Judging from the smiles on their faces, the trip was completely worth it, rain and all.

And for the record, camping is not my thing.


Ashley said...

Haha, I love the last comment. True that, sista! Camping is not our thing, but at least we got a lot of gossip out of the trip ;)

henning love said...

thanks for stopping by my blog via ashley she is a sweetheart! at least you had your wonderful friends on the camping trip that makes up for everything and s'mores always a must!