The kindergarten room that I work in is studying sports, and this week they're focusing on football. Today I got to go on a field trip with them to the UMD football field and team house! (Should I be embarrassed that I was as excited as they were? Because I was really excited!)
Anyway, we walked to the football field while all of the kids yelled "GO MARYLAND" and sung the Maryland victory song that they just learned. We got a tour of the team house, got to watch a highlight tape set to the opening scene of the movie Cars, got to color football pictures in one of the private tutor rooms, read a story in the locker room (that's what the picture is of), and eat lunch in the dining hall!
It was so cute - the kids were obsessed with the football players, and I think they thought the kids were pretty fun too :)
(ps. sorry for the crappy picture - of course I forgot my camera today, so I had to take one with my phone! and here's another picture!)

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