day 234

Two CYC kiddies and Miss Lewandowski (aka Kristen) found this GIANT bug outside of the Orange Room today. One of the kids came running over to tell me about the "spider" they found, but upon further examination we decided that it wasn't a spider because it had little wings. Then, in true CYC fashion, we got out an insect book and flipped through the pages and investigate to see which type of bug it could be. While all of this crazy excitement was happening, I learned a lesson. Don't talk about killing things to preschoolers - not even bugs.

One of my favorite little girls asked, "What are we going to do with it?! We don't have a net to catch it with!"
Without thinking, I non-chalantly answered, "Maybe there's a fly swatter inside the classroom."

G: What's a fly slotter?
Me: Oh it's just something you use to kill flies or other bugs...
G: KILL IT!? I don't want to kill it Miss Levine! Bugs are God's creatures too!!

oops....sorry G -maybe we can keep this beautiful creature as a pet...(ew.)

for the record, my future children will a) know what a fly swatter is and b) have no problem killing bugs....mainly so that they can kill them for me when I'm too afraid!