Tuesday was another full day of work at Las Flores, and we made SO much cement and SO much progress!
Just to give you an idea, to make each pile of cement you layer 10 wheelbarrows full of dirt with 4 bags of cement mix in a huge pile. Then to mix them up really well, you have to shovel that pile into two separate piles and then back again into a big pile. Then you make a crater in the middle of the pile and add the water, and then slowly add the mixed up dirt into the water until it's all absorbed. Then you shovel the cement into buckets and wheelbarrows to be taken to wherever it's needed.
I had the idea today that a fundraising idea could be to write letters to construction companies in the area seeing if they would donate money to get SHH some sort of cement truck or cement mixer. (I honestly have no idea what would be involved in that, but it sounded like a good idea!) It was just amazing to me how much cement we needed, and how much man power we had to make all of it. I figured that if we hadn't spent so much time mixing endless piles of cement and it was already there and mixed, we could have gotten so much more work done!
oh, and here's another cute baby for you to look at too. his name is wilfred and i lovelovelove him!
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